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Erjaam Hayes


220274_171619356228055_111617905561534_460706_3462909_oErjaam Hayes
Florida A&M University

What school did you attend and what made you decide to go there?
Attended Florida A&M University to enroll in its 5-year MBA program which offered me opportunities beyond my belief.

Memorable Sports Moment: NA

Hobbies: Watching TV, traveling and running (whenever its warm).

Favorite Book: “Soul on Ice” by Eldridge Cleaver.

Why you’re involved in UWG: Although I never had a mentor while growing up, there was always someone outside of my immediate family members that left a lasting impression on my life and in some way made me into the person I am today, whether big or small. By joining UWG, it has allowed me to be that person for kids of the next generation.

Who’s been the most influential person in your life? My mother, Gwendolyn Hayes

What’s your favorite movie? Love & “Do the Right Thing”

What’s the hardest life lesson you have had to learn? Tomorrow’s never promised, so take a second out of your day to tell your loved ones how much you appreciate them.

Where do you see yourself in 5 yrs? Continued on the track to towards a senior level position within a sports organization.